Monday, December 9, 2013

Yr's little "Orange is the new black" or "Easy to find" sweather

I went on the big dangerous Internet and ordered yarn for machine knitting. Hillesvåg.  The colours were so nice on my screen. The the parcel arrived. Ohhhh is that this orange colour? Checking the code- yes :-( There were no mistake- the screen lied)

Ok Thinking- thinking- Enough yarn for a little sweather. A Carrot coloured dark is YR really? Can she wear an ORANGE- screaming orange sweather without looking really pale?

I will try.
Or I can send it to some poor kids in a cold country.

Now it is finnished. Or almost. Lacking buttons. May be it needs some more brown stripes to make it more retro and less carrot?

At least I became friend with my knitting machine.

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