Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A blue hat

We went to the mountains for a hike. Two friends of mine, and our daughters and one of my nieces. 7 "girls" together for 5 days. Hiking, enjoying the Norwegian summer in the mountains. Bringing waterproof, windproof clothes and swimsuits. We know by heart how fast the weather changes.

Two of the days were perfectly sunny and our hikes were perfect. Two of the days were rainy but warm enough. But one of the days had a cold cold and pretty strong wind blowing. Sofie were lucky and borrowed a hat form one of the others. I did not bring a woollen hat to the mountains in July - I should have - together with gloves. But I had brought along the needle and some blue yarn in case there would be need to entertain myself. So I made her a hat, and one for my friend Berit.

This time I used only the one hook method, and alternated between the two blue colours I had to make a nice effect.

She is happy with the hat, I am planning to make one for me as well.

On the last photo you can see more details.

The jacket is finished

I was lucky and found some pretty flower buttons for Sofies jacket. Pink against grey. When the jacket was presented to the young lady she did thank me, but also made me aware htat she has been looking at so many fashion magazines that she would have loved the jacket even more if I had payd attention and been aware that this year it was supposed to be pink and brown...and may be something white.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Tunisian crocheting with two hooks

I got two crocheting needles with hooks in both ends for my birthdaypresent from my mum. I looked up a couple of tutorials on the Internet on how to do this two hook tunisian crocheting and the fundamental principles are easy! But finding interesting recipes was more difficult. So I made my own - in order to get familiar with the technique and get a product as a result.

I have made a jacket for my daughter - in the colors she loves. And I have now gotten to know two of the methods very well, and how to increase and decrease the number of masks. I just need to finish up the edge around the jacket and buy some buttons.